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Who Really Won the Trump v Harris ABC Debate?

By Francisco Loves Freedom

An objective analysis of the ABC Debate by a number's guru extraordinaire.

I took 16 pages of notes during the ABC debate, scoring it numerically. The results were interesting. I was fortunate enough to be watching the Debate with my friend @Maximus_4EVR at his Fireside Chat, as we discussed each question, comment, rebuttal, facial expression, and nuance the candidates made, I kept score. My initial take-away was Harris had the edge (in the eyes of undecided voters) with an onslaught of character attacking one-liners that the MSM will play 24-7 for the next 55 days. This may be the case, and it may help drive greater Democrat turnout. Max had a slightly different take.

Anyway, let's dive into this debate and objectively pressure test if Harris truly did win, and what this means for the trajectory of Election 2024.

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