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The Decline of American Liberalism

The Original Outlaw

By Max Knight 👨🏼‍🚀

Captain Kirk and the American flag.
Captain James T. Kirk and Original Trek were symbolic of the United States and Anti-Communist attitudes of Kennedy era Democrats.

Star Trek is as an excellent source to predict the direction of post-modern society. Since the 1960s, its history mirrors conditions in Hollywood and acts as a commentary on American society.

World War II, JFK, and Classic Trek

What made Star Trek great? Its serious tone, mixed with eternal optimism and social mores rooted in western tradition. All products of creator Gene Roddenberry’s WWII values.

But what makes Star Trek unique to me is the fact it parallels social morals and foreshadows the future of American Liberalism. Allow me to explain:

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Jul 22, 2023

Excellent analysis comparing Star Trek with American society. But as you always point out, we know the ending and God wins.


Jul 21, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Nailed it! Never got past the first episode of the newest Star Trek. It was literally oozing woke culture.

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